
When it hits it hits hard We’re not dead, yet It won’t be long now Don’t worry Have you seen the earth from Mars? It’s breathtaking, really


I see you I see ripples of ascending time As you move with astounding grace It’s a wonder you’re alive It’s a wonder I am here to witness you All the faith in the world couldn’t make you happen Yet here you are


We share everything Our planet Our moon Our stars Our lives Without our planet; we are nothing The arbiters of power must be stopped We cannot wait Our world is burning

Who Are You?

Why are you? Have you asked that question? I mean really asked it? Does it fit? I’ll keep asking THE question It’s one of those elusive questions Like a rainbow merry-go-round Each time I hear a different sound It makes me who I am My infinite reflection


I stare into it As it stares back I am it It tells me a riddle What echoes without sound? Why do you ask? Why is it staring? Who’s who? You