
Are you a good person? Do you feel it in your bones? Does waking lift your heart? Are you ready to start? As you feel your day, does it feel like magic? Do the pieces fit? Does your life flow with it? As we make our mark on the world. We’ll find glittering gold. In the recesses of our minds, in the spirit of our kind. Like pieces of a puzzle, ready to connect. We wait for what’s next. ...


When we can order Amazon Prime Now As the Uber driver drops our eats While we play our mobile games As Netflix streams in the background It’s impossible to believe the impossible Could our world dissolve into illusion? How could our mighty country fall? Who can believe the gall? With the world literally at our fingertips It’s difficult to believe the impossible Did the Germans believe they would fall? While their generals stood tall ...


As I sit, I think of the duality, as I see the stream of time, as a well-tuned instrument, I hear it play. I feel the vibrations of now, as I am the feedback loop, as I am eternal reality, as we are the duality.


I’m thinking And I can’t stop Gears turn inside my head I hear click, click, click And my mind lets go I hear no end to this eternal show I can’t stop thinking I can’t help thinking All I hear are my grinding gears In these years, what else is there? It’s the sound of my machine

Do You Dream?

Yes I dream I dream of a grand finale With seconds to spare My heart will soar In a single second, I win The crowd roars Then, just like that, the curtain closes