The Balance
The weave of time waves
Like flickers of flame
Ripples of life
Finding balance
Do you see it?
The game
Light vs. dark
Right vs. wrong
Black vs. white
As one

The weave of time waves
Like flickers of flame
Ripples of life
Finding balance
Do you see it?
The game
Light vs. dark
Right vs. wrong
Black vs. white
As one
I see you; my friend
We are equal
We are one
We are free
I love you
I love me
I love us
I love free
We’re alive
We’re together
We’re forever;
infinite; equal
I hear background noises play like a picture reel
My mind is still, for once;
It quietly listens to the moonlight
While cars go by
I love mornings
Coffee, green tea
The bubbling fish tank
All of it
The chirp of birds at six A.M.
The smell of avocado toast
The anticipation of the day
The smell of movie theater popcorn
I see no pictures in my mind’s eye;
But I feel them
I feel every frame
I feel alive
I see my existence
floating in the distance
it flows with persistence
then crashes in an instant.
It falls…
Into the stream it goes
It swims; it knows
It catches its breath
one moment to death…
It rises—its burning wings alive
It bursts reborn, alive
It becomes the universe
It becomes eternity
Fireworks, boom!
A crackle, a burn
Rises in my heart
I can’t contain myself
I can’t help it
So much beauty
So much wonder
Coursing through my veins
Far from a whisper
I’m in love