Look Up

Look up before life happens without you
Behold this moment
Feel yourself; feel your world
Be here now and live!


In this one second dream
It’s that story we told near the fireside
Whispering while sharing stories
Swirling sparks floating through the midnight sky

I remember that beautiful youth
I feel it inside me like a torrent of power
I’ll let it go this time


I want to be somebody
Somebody with connections
Somebody with friends
Somebody with it all

I want to be everybody
In a small way
Maybe that smile
Maybe somebody with that spark

Somebody wants to be me
Somebody wants to be them
Somebody wants to live
Somebody wants to die

Somebody is reading this
Somebody is not
Somebody hates this
Somebody loves this

We want to be somebody
We want connections
We want friends
We want it all



I am not separate
An apple is the sun
I am the apple
I am the sun

My eyes are me
They are connected
Connected to you
Connected to me

The rivers flow through me
The trees support me
The sun guides me
Seventy percent of me is the sea

I am not separate
I am not me
I am everything
And everything is me

Dream Time

Chasing after time
One leg up two legs down
Somewhere in the middle
Let’s spin another riddle
Let’s see how that goes

Never enough
Simply never enough
How about that town
Should we stop in the middle?

Chase that dream
Whittle that statue
Paint the Mona Lisa
Master the sonata

Where did the time go?
Where did the money blow?
Whose time is it anyway?