Something More

I love empty notes
I love empty lines
I love notes with empty stories
It’s clear perfection

I find lost notes to be delicious
It’s like finding a note in a bottle
It has value like no other
It’s like a long-lost brother

It’s the poems left on the wayside
I love those
I love the value lost in life
I enjoy something more

It’s that age-old uncorking
It’s that exquisite aging process
It’s that delightful waiting
It’s that timeless shore



I have seen it all
Said no one, ever
If they’re honest
I hope

Gods wake me
Gods wake us all

It won’t happen
Said, everyone

We happen
We are
We will be


Make everything
Pinpoint perfection
Give life

A universe
One everything
One nothing

Every pixel of meaning
Every breath of purpose
Thoughts of time
Blown away

Nothing left to chisel
Nothing left to add
Pure beauty
Pure meaning

Unsung Emotions

I know of no poem like a national anthem
One of the words spoken by many
One spoken by countless hearts as one

I hear songs sung in harmony
I hear those words on the lips of many
These songs are universally understood

A poet accepts their unsung poems with mixed emotions
A bit of sadness
A bit of relief
A bit of fear
A medley of fill in the blank emotions



Euphoria is this moment
Inside this simple line
When perfection is
It just is

With all those mistakes
With nothing
With something
It’s just another action

It’s simple
It’s everything
What I see inside
I see it all

The life
This life
Our life
It’s all this moment