In the light, in the trees

I sometimes wish the negative part of life did not exist
I sometimes wish we could skip it all
I would trade it all for wonder and silence
I would choose the wind at my back
In the 5 seconds it takes to care I would live
My life would be merry it would be bright
I would never see the dark only the light

If I could sit at the ocean forever
I would sit
It would be with my family and all my friends
We would swim and swim with the crabs and the fish
We would always live like today is Friday



It’s odd how life is
It’s odd how words are
Those metered syllables dancing in time
With something to them something with rhyme

I’ve been thinking more lately
I’ve been thinking forever
It has been forever
It has been no time

I’ve been living
I’ve been breathing
Just like you
Just like me

I’ve been living with habits
I’ve been living in sin
Living together
Living within

We’re living forever
We’re living in time
We’re living without
We’re living within


Copy Free

Why frown upon that sweet emotion
That Mellon Collie
Purple rain
On the dark side of the moon

On that green day
With a cat on the cradle and a silver spoon
During the dawn of the age of the Aquarius
When we all come together right now

Welcome to the jungle
Where copyright rules the game
Where nobody gets what they want
And we all know their names

It’s the fear of the dark
It’s the ring of fire
It’s that jailhouse rock
We’re all looking for that free bird


We’re Clear

It’s that irony
Oh that one we know
We dance around it
We dance in it

It’s that moment
We’re clear
We’ve seen the precipice
We know we’re near

We’ve lost something
We know nothing
We’re clear
It’s that something

It’s that time
It’s the time we see
It’s when we know
You are me

American Fuckery

I’m banking on the fact we’re friends
We’re living life as one
We’re living in America
We’re living cynics today

I’ve seen you on my street corner
I’ve seen you with my friends
We’re seeing things together
We’re living cynics today

It’s that cult of American Fuckery
It’s that cult of American Fuck You
It’s that cult we live with daily
It’s that cult of I love You