
I’ve measured myself; I’ve found myself wanting
It’s not that simple to let go
I’ve toiled away hoping to measure
I’ve given up, I’ve let go
I’ve mostly let go

I have more control over others
I’ve seen others change for me
It’s mostly positive, I hope

Let go I say, but I control that
Don’t worry, but I control that

It’s silly


Elegant limbs with branches
leaves of another world
… dancing up and down

This perfect pitch
it’s humming away
it’s making me sway
… let it go

…see this picture
its perfect mixture
let it go
let us see


We’re all just pretending
At least Actors don’t pretend
We’re making it all up
We’re just going along
Let’s not pretend to not know
Let’s not be willfully ignorant
At the very least

This world is ours
At least that’s what we’re told
We made that up too
We’ll pretend till we’re dead
We’ll look up pretending
We’ll pretend we’re not dead
At least let’s be real
At least let’s be honest
We’re all just pretending
Pretending what’s real



Simplicity isn’t simple
It really isn’t
I promise you
Randomness isn’t simple

It is contrary to reason
It’s Amazingly broken
Gripped and it’s OK

What’s wrong with deliberation
When you’re not in a court?
Smile, life is fucking awesome!

Tenuous perfection
In this reality
When would perfection be anything but?

Beautiful, Unexpected

When is that moment?
When I fell into something
It was beautiful, it was unexpected
It was something

When the song spoke to me
When it made me whole
When it defined me
It was everything

That time, that haze of importance
It made me
It was
It is