My mind
Its vast network
Like electric wind
In a digital forest
It courses through the day
Winding synapses buzz
Like powerlines
On fire

My mind
Its vast network
Like electric wind
In a digital forest
It courses through the day
Winding synapses buzz
Like powerlines
On fire
If not us, then who?
If not now, when?
Do we know who we are?
Do we know when?
I live in the shadows
I wait for the moment
I plant the seeds
I watch them grow
It’s us
It’s now
Notes of life
Notes of burnt almonds
Scrawled for eternity
Lost in modernity
I wonder
What with all we have
A world at our fingertips
How bewildered we’ve become
Do you feel them?
Those brilliant colors
Those sights…
Those sounds…
They move through us
As we rock, from side to side
It’s like last time
When we felt the current,
pulse through our lives
I hang on my cliff of dreams
My hands bleed
As the clouds drift by
My heart hangs by a thread
It beats
It reminds me to pull
To lift myself up
To kick my heels
To fight; to live