I flew for miles
I passed a vast sea of seconds
I paused
I appeared in the mirror
Upon the same wave
I marveled
As I remained the same
Like a mountain
I stood still

I flew for miles
I passed a vast sea of seconds
I paused
I appeared in the mirror
Upon the same wave
I marveled
As I remained the same
Like a mountain
I stood still
I have seconds
Less than
To capture you
To show you
To move you
To be you
To be us
Another time
I ruffle the universe
I press a wildflower
I send my signal, like you
Odd cave scribblings
Compressed into bytes
Assail a black mirror or two
As the crows fly
I see you waving
In the mirror
As I turn and wave to you
Where are they?
Those edges of self
Why are they picket white
in my mind?
Who am I to say?
I don’t run this show
Do you?
Do you see them?
Do you see the edges?
Hello; human
I see you
I know you
It’s us
The Universe
On the inside
Let’s go
Let’s be
Let’s see