
I feel disconnect As I connect As I suspect I’m addicted Little hearts ❤️ With big illusions It’s time to put the dopamine down It’s time to break the illusion It’s time to break the spell

I Am

I have emerged 25,898,938 minutes later I am transformed No longer malformed The metamorphosis is complete


I spent years disconnected Unhinged, swinging in the wind At sea, lost on islands and cliffs Then, I landed I see you I am you Here were are Integrated


Swimming in a digital stream Moments are far between Someone save me, please Lies run through my mind As the black mirror beckons me As my reflection dies As my reality cries Am I the only one? Am I alone in this fishbowl? Year after year I aim to break free To escape Forever Let’s go ‎ ‎


Despite the pain I feel alive Walls have crumbled Truly crumbled I’m nearly complete Just a few more beats I’m at 99% of 42 ∞